The sun never sets on our club

The sun never sets on our club

Founded in 1972 in Mannheim, the Gremium-mc is to this day the most important club in Germany. Over the years it has established itself as one of the leading clubs on the European scene.
Today, with its 200 chapters worldwide, it can easily be described as a key player in the international motorcycle scene. Worldwide, by its presence on almost every continent, Europe of course, but also Asia and the Americas, Gremium-mc is more than just a motorbike club, it is the standard of the “Black and white” nation.

Its specificity does not stop there. A club of European origin, the Gremium-mc conveys a philosophy in harmony with the old continent. If, as for any motorcyclist, Freedom is more than a word, it is a right, it is the essence of its existence, Fraternity and belonging are its driving forces. To these values we must add Equality, which is inscribed in the very etymology of the word “Gremium”, which in German means “committee”, “meeting”. Far from easy prejudices about motor clubs, Gremium-mc proves that it is intrinsically democratic. Freedom, fraternity, equality, principles that allow motorcyclists with different political allegiances, beliefs and convictions to come together in its midst, all united in their love of motorcycling and fraternal community.

Proud of its traditions and European values, Gremium-mc develops a fraternal spirit worthy of an ancient order. A knightly order, with motorbikes, black and white colours and the Maltese cross like the Teutonic knights. An order that puts man back at the centre of all things. For the Gremium mc, a man is a word. Every man is responsible for his words. Therefore, discretion and correctness are the order of the Gremiumtmc. Above all, the prospect, like the full member, is judged on what they promise as much as on what they do. In this context, at Gremium-mc, prospects are seen as brothers in the making. Equally important, the meaning of the word given is intrinsically linked to the sense of duty that every responsible person must have.
Proud as a man, proud that he belongs to the “Black and white nation”, it is with a special sense of honour that each member wears the colours on his back with the name of the country where he lives and where he was born.

The Gremium mc is more than a traditional motorbike club, it is an international organisation, a motorbike order, based on European values, with its own traditions and rules that it applies throughout the world.
It is all united and as strong as the fingers of the closed fist, represented on our colours, that we proudly advance on the road to our destiny.

The sun never sets on our club

The sun never sets on our club

Founded in 1972 in Mannheim, the Gremium-mc is to this day the most important club in Germany. Over the years it has established itself as one of the leading clubs on the European scene.

Today, with its 200 chapters worldwide, it can easily be described as a key player in the international motorcycle scene. Worldwide, by its presence on almost every continent, Europe of course, but also Asia and the Americas, Gremium-mc is more than just a motorbike club, it is the standard of the “Black and white” nation.

Its specificity does not stop there. A club of European origin, the Gremium-mc conveys a philosophy in harmony with the old continent. If, as for any motorcyclist, Freedom is more than a word, it is a right, it is the essence of its existence, Fraternity and belonging are its driving forces. To these values we must add Equality, which is inscribed in the very etymology of the word “Gremium”, which in German means “committee”, “meeting”. Far from easy prejudices about motor clubs, Gremium-mc proves that it is intrinsically democratic. Freedom, fraternity, equality, principles that allow motorcyclists with different political allegiances, beliefs and convictions to come together in its midst, all united in their love of motorcycling and fraternal community.

Proud of its traditions and European values, Gremium-mc develops a fraternal spirit worthy of an ancient order. A knightly order, with motorbikes, black and white colours and the Maltese cross like the Teutonic knights. An order that puts man back at the centre of all things. For the Gremium mc, a man is a word. Every man is responsible for his words. Therefore, discretion and correctness are the order of the Gremiumtmc. Above all, the prospect, like the full member, is judged on what they promise as much as on what they do. In this context, at Gremium-mc, prospects are seen as brothers in the making. Equally important, the meaning of the word given is intrinsically linked to the sense of duty that every responsible person must have.
Proud as a man, proud that he belongs to the “Black and white nation”, it is with a special sense of honour that each member wears the colours on his back with the name of the country where he lives and where he was born.

The Gremium mc is more than a traditional motorbike club, it is an international organisation, a motorbike order, based on European values, with its own traditions and rules that it applies throughout the world.
It is all united and as strong as the fingers of the closed fist, represented on our colours, that we proudly advance on the road to our destiny.

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